Feb 14, 2008

The Valetine's Giraffe

Last night James and I exchanged v-day gifts and Otis even got his treat early. But Luke didn't last...he had to go to bed on time according to the whining. So he was not introduced to his v-day giraffe until this morning. Yet another animal he's never seen in the flesh...just when he thought he'd seen it all! I think he likes it...can you tell? Oh, and there is one other picture he wanted you all to see...a shot of his big-boy walking.

Rodeo San Antonio

Luke just missed the rodeo last year, well I guess he was there. In fact, he was there and I'd say even enjoyed it based on the moving and shaking he was doing...he just was a week away from being born. This year he really took it all in. We took him for a first glimpse of those animals that have only existed in books until now...horses, cows, goats, pigs, chickens, turkeys, etc. The highlight was the petting zoo. We took up residence there and I don't think we'd have ever exited had it been left up to the noodle. He wasn't afraid of any of them, just went right up and made animal friend after animal friend.

In the Nation's Capitol with the Ruler of our World

DC in January...doesn't sound appealling to most. But mom, Luke and I enjoyed it! I had to go to another conference, so Maw met us halfway in Dallas to take over babysitting duties during the day. In between work we did a little sightseeing. Luke saw,f or the first time, a panda, an emu, wolves, cheetahs, and a zebra at the National Zoo. Then the next day he visited the War World II and Vietnam Memorials and from afar saw the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials, the mall, and the National Cathedral. To top it off he was the only one that stayed toasty warm after 2+ hours outside. The trip went well, although it is always stressful...the plane, the not sleeping so good, dirty hotel room remotes, etc...probably the last venture like that for a while.