There are so many new things! A new haircut for starters. Today was d-day, start time 12:40 at Cool Cuts 4 Kids. Roberta was the lucky stylist who had Luke in her little red fire-chief salon car. He requested to watch a Baby Einstein video throughout the cutting, but Roberta didn't have it, thus he settled on Blues Clues. He was then draped with not one, but two blue smocks and the cutting began. They used a razor #4 and then cut the top with sheers. There was a brief look of panic about 5 minutes in, so he turned to realize everyone was still there and that the steering wheel on the car actually turned and the moment passed. He looks like a little boy now, rather than a baby boy...although he and I have an agreement that I can refer to him as my baby for at least another year or so.
What else is new? Well, he has a few words...hot, cold, chill, hi, bye, ma-ma (which is in reference to any human being, including the hairstylist), and dog. He is a big mimicker these days, loves to cough and sneeze after you. You have to watch the fake sneezes though as some times he shocks us all with a surprise appearance.
And...he has teeth, teeth, and more teeth. 3 total, but there are two others nearing the edge and several spots that look a little pink as if maybe they are next.
As for tricks...they just keep coming. His latest, favorites are swinging in the backyard and climbing on just about anything, like the couch, the coffee table, Otis. He hasn't given up his kissing past time, but has adding blowing kisses to his repertoire, along with several silly mouth and tongue games, the "to the stars" chant and he still responds like a robot to "how big is Luke" (A: "Soooo big!"). He really doesn't have time to wave anymore, but will gladly do the happy dance to show his pleasure, which is a gung-ho stomp-in-place, high-kneed, smiley, turn-around, repetitive movement. And of course, his passion for "Dancing with the Stars" has only fueled his desire to dance to any type of music and sometimes even the music he hears in his head. Just last weekend in the grocery store he danced all the way through despite the fact that there was no music blaring over the loudspeaker.
His nanny has a niece, Nori, who comes to play with Luke a few times a week and they share the love of dance and eating. He eats like a champ when she is here, so apparently he has already learned the fine art of showing out for the women. He and the nanny seem to be getting along quite well. To top it of they now have a vehicle for cruising to the mall in, which is another common during-the-day past time. They have a kid play area there that he frequents with the nanny. The car seat in the nanny-car is decked out as well. We are a little obsessed with the summer heat down here and ensuring Luke is spared the uncomfortableness of it as much as possible. As such, James decided he had to get him a bead car seat cover for his car seat to help circulate the air. You know, the kind with the light colored beads, that up until now only the elderly invested in. Yeah, Luke has that, specially tailored to fit his car seat. Next we'll add dentures and bi-focals to the list and he'll fit right in at Luby's.
So...that's what's new. Check out the best part, the evidence that I did in fact allow a haircut!