Sammie's first shiner. Amazingly Sammie's first black eye was self-inflicted, as opposed to by her brother. She fell with a hand full of toys and apparently held on to the bitter end as they all ended up in her face. She had little cuts and bruises all over, but it didn't slow her down. She is also a professional climber. I was hoping we wouldn't have one of those...but we do. She spends most of her day stacking whatever she can find to climb to new heights. Yesterday she stacked diaper packs to get on top of the table and the day before she moved the small piano to climb it up to the big piano. Maybe Mt Everest is in her future...if she survives that long without serious injury.

No story, just cute.

The baby feeding the baby. Although I don't know whether she has the qualifications from the looks of her attire...looks like she didn't get much of her own lunch in her own mouth.

Easter basket. The bunny didn't stop here until after nap time. Good thing he didn't stay...Sammie quickly got out the two toys she liked and refused to even look at the rest. The bunny would have gotten his feelings hurt.

The hand-me down watering can is a bath time pleaser. Luke wants to plant a garden really bad. All winter I told him we had to wait until Spring and now that it is Spring I'm not sure how to explain the snow still on the ground. Hoping he won't lose interest by May 18th when it is officially planting time around this part of the tundra.

Did you know the bunny could easily carry not only baskets, but little white rocking chairs? Well, he can.

Super excited...all for a jelly bean or two. Oh, to be three again (sigh), now anything less than a Cadbury egg is a real disappointment.

Trying them out.

Momentarily corralled before heading to Easter service.

The Easter dance. Luke was posed perfectly. The idea was that his sister would saddle up beside him and the pics would quickly be taken. Nope. he glanced down the hallway, saw Sammie in a dress, and decided that dresses were meant for dancing. And they went into a full swing.

And, they danced, and danced, and danced.

Even a few twirls and dips involved.